Detection not working properly

Hello everyone, I have three wizecam and I am very satisfied, it works perfectly. So a colleague of mine bought the same three wyzecam camera at my suggestion. I installed them in his house. But it does not work as well for a reason that I don’t understand. Indeed, a camera in her living room does not detect her when walking in the living room at any distance of the camera. Yet the motion sensibility is set at its maximum, same the detection setting and detection range but it detect nothing and another camera detect once every 3 attempts. Mine detect everything, any motion or light change.

Can you help ?

So I have a few questions. Are you talking about the green motion tagging box, or it is not detecting mostion and uploading to the cloud?

If it’s not detecting the motion tagging, you have to enable the feature by going to the camera and selecting the more option. Once that’s selected then you will see the green box.

If it’s not detecting motion in the cloud, the you have to make sure under events that motion detection is selected.

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Also what internet speeds does she have. That may be a limiting factor as well based on the upload speed.

It is not detecting motion and uploading to the cloud … it detect once a while si it upload once a while. In Event motion detection is selected.

There is a five minute cool-down between notifications. It sounds like that might be what you’re describing.

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I agree with overwatch. Either that or there is a shortcut set to turn motion off. Another option could be is someone set an event schedule.