Crappy little crap of a camera!

I originally bought 6 cameras and then another 5 to keep track of my property, specifically my wife who has Alzheimer’s. There are so many unresolved problems with these cameras, I cannot count on them to be there when I need them the most! I am currently investigating other options as it appears Wyze is more interested in developing additional items to sell instead of keeping Customers happy with what they’ve bought. The app sucks, RTSP is no closer to development than when I got these, Reviews of recorded video (if it doesn’t skip or stop) is crazy stupid, etc, etc. When will this madness stop?


I use Wyze cams for hobby purposes. They certainly can’t be considered reliable.
Do a little research. There are other inexpensive cameras available that are more reliable and have apps that work on more platforms.
Wyze has too many interests and too few technical employees to address their many problems. They never perfected one product before moving on. Maybe it’s time to do the same.
So sorry about your wife. Alzheimer’s. is a problem nobody wants to have.
Best wishes.