Connectivity with Base Station

Can’t connect Base Station. Constant blue blinking light.
iPhone & base station on same network.
Upgraded Iphone firmware to latest.
Base station not appearing in my device list to be able to check firmware.
Currently have 2 additional Wyze cams and the watch listed and up to date.
Tried unplugging and restarting from router multiple times.
Tried depressing the reset on the base station and rebooting no luck.
Couldn’t get the QDR to scan from bottom of base station.
Tried to set up thru setting up a “Wyze” network on iPhone but password for my internet & password for failed.
ANY suggestions ?

Welcome to the Wyze community!
Is your base station plugged in to your router with the supplied Ethernet cable?

you’re putting an iPhone & watch on the base station, huh???

im having this exact same problem. havent been able to find a work around

What problem are you having?
Are you plugging the base station into your router?

Some folks have been having an issue with some iPhones and using them to install their base stations. People have used iPads or Android devices instead. Can you (or whoever is having problems) do some trouble shooting of these following points and let me know what happens?

When the iPhone Wyze app has the location permission either enabled or disabled, can you install the base station?

When the iPhone is connected to WiFi data only, can you install the base station?

When the iPhone has wifi and mobile data on, can you install the base station?

I may have to steal my wifeys iPhone to test, but I am allergic to iPhones so we will see later when I get home. Thanks in advance!

I was using an iPhone and iPad to setup my cameras with no issues. I was on my local network(same as base). Location was on for the Wyze app.

I can’t believe this is even a question we have to ask haha. Yes it’s plugged in. I’ve used all 4 ports and different patch cables and i still only get a flashing light. I’ve tried it on iOS 14 beta and iOS 13. The issue is i always get a flashing light. It won’t go solid blue

It could be a bad base station. I’d contact Wyze!
Use the phone number:+1-844-999-3226

My base station worked for a day then started blinking blue and lost connectivityto camera. Using the android phone app. Base station won’t stop blinking blue. Tried rebooting switch, New cable, and resetting base station. Going to call support.


The port was not enabled. Once I enabled the port, I had a solid blue light.

Just got my base station and having same symptoms. I can ping base station from other devices in my network but the blue light flashes on.

I can see the WiFi SSID but when attempting to join I am asked for a password I don’t know.

You never need to connect to the base stations wifi. You connect during the in app setup via the physical Ethernet connection to your router or network. Only your WCOs connect to the bases wifi SSID.

Omgitstony - Well you be wrong. Because my blue light is flashing though I have connectivity the setup app asks me to scan QR code which I successfully do. The next step is: “Connect your phone to “Wyze_bind_xxx” The base station creates a network to connect your phone to. Return to the Wyze app after connecting.”

Problem #2 was a non-issue as problem #1 was the main issue.
Problem #1 was caused by a configuration option issue with my ASUS router. I had the ASUS configured to intercept NPT requests from devices and the WYZE base station didn’t like that.

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Can you connect to the Wyze_bind SSID? That should be open, the other one is the one that you don’t connect to, is secured, and there for the WCOs.

Searching around the forums, have you tried different ports on your router or switch? One thread mentions that that helps remidy their blinking. Another one was they had a vpn setup that was causing issues. do you have your stuff running in the X.x.200.x subnet range? The following post mentions that that is an issue.

Edit/ just saw your update. Glad it was figured out!

Still having this issue checked my router settings and everything looks good not sure what else could be wrong

"do you have your stuff running in the X.x.200.x subnet range? " No and why should I. A device connecting to my home network should not dictate my network’s IP addressing design. Beside, the base station is using NAT.

Here’s the thing. WYZE needs to redesign the firmware in the base station such that upon completion of the Ethernet auto-negotiation and assignment of an IP address from DHCP the base station port needs to be considered active and the blue light turned to solid. The next step should be to communicate with the app on the local LAN to complete the installation process. Any subsequent communication issues such as inability to synchronize time using NTP should appear as an error message on the app.

“…this issue…”, are you referring to a flashing blue light?

If so, what does your router show for the port status?

What is the make and model of your router?

Are you using DHCP?


So, I had trouble setting up on my home network. After running through the forums, I noticed this post about the .200 subnet. I use that subnet at home (192.168.200.x).

I’m on vacation this week, and take some network gear with me so my local traffic doesn’t get onto the resort network. It was set to mimic my home network (same ssid/network range). Well, I modified the setup to use .100 instead, and the base and camera set up without issue. Not sure what will happen when I get home…or how I’ll handle it, but it’s set up for now.

Did the support team ask you that? DId they offer an alternative or reasoning? Guess I’ll need to check with them during the day.

Bob Buchanan,
I don’t believe your .200 network is the issue. At the resort your internet connection is to a different ISP and your probably using a different router to the ISP.