Cannot open app on iPhone XR

I have connectivity issues because the app on my iPhone X R does not open at all. I pit PW in push Login, and nothing happens. Telephone support not available (they hung up on me after half an hour waiting). I reinstalled the app - still: nothing moves.

Have you tried restarting the phone? If that doesn’t help, the next thing to try would be to delete the app and download a fresh copy from the app store. Let us know if either of those work.

When one reinstalls the app, does anything need to be recreated like shortcuts, cameras or schedules?

I restarted the phone many times. I deleted the app and restarted the app multiple times - it just does not open.

I restarted the phone many times. I deleted the app and restarted the app multiple times - it just does not open. I could not even build shortcuts because the app does not work

Grasping at straws here, but are there any other options on your login screen like forgot password that you may be able to try? Just to see if anything responds.

No other options: I put in username and PW (as working with and confirmed with the webaite) - then it is dead

No, all of that stuff is stored server-side.

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Do you have any other email addresses? I’d like to suggest you try creating a new account at or by tapping the Sign up link on the app sign-in screen. Then see if you can log into the app with that. If that works, then at least we will have narrowed it down to something related to your specific account.

Alternatively, before creating a new account, you could try reseting your password using the Forgot Password link on the app’s signin screen.

Really odd. On my sign-in screen I have an option for ‘Forgot password’ and ‘Sign up’. I was thinking you could try one of those just to see where the app was locking up.

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Sorry for the trouble, @dettonation! And we apologize for missing your call. I would like to file a bug report for you. Could you please tell me which app version you are currently using?

Same thing is happening for my sister.she has the IPhone XR. It’s almost like her screen is too big for the app? Any suggestions??