Cam Protect!?! Yo!?!

Haha so if I understand that correctly, they’re taking my money from cam plus, and using it to research machine learning which they’ll charge me separately for?

See, you got it!

I came by to make this exact thread but found this one so I figured it’s better to post on it so I don’t clog up the forum with a duplicate thread.

So, what’s the deal with this? I noticed it this morning when setting up a new camera. I don’t need security monitoring or anyone from Wyze looking through my videos and calling the police or anything like that.

What exactly does this friendly face thing do? Does it save the info for people I want to have in my own database? For example, can I tag a person in a video as my dog walker and when a cam detects them I will get a notification saying “Dog Walker detected” or something like that?

And as someone else said before, yeah, first Cam Plus, now Cam Plus Pro, probably soon to be Double-Secret Cam Plus Platinum Pro, etc… is getting a little ridiculous.

You can get notified if that is your brother dave or a stranger

A person at my door named Dave claiming to be my brother would definitely be a stranger!!

I purchased the Wyze cam v3 because everything I read and watched showed its ability to recognize faces. After I received and set it up did I realize that “Friendly Faces” comes only with a paid subscription to “Cam Protect,” a 24-hr monitoring service, which I do not want. I have already been down that road with another company, and it was not a pleasant experience.

All I want is a camera or service that can perform face recognition and trigger a routine in Alexa (for example: “Welcome home, Tommy.”). I guess if Wyze is unwilling to do this I will just look elsewhere. Thanks