Boy returned home!

My 5 year old son walked out of the house while i was taking a shower. Delivery driver returned him to the house. Could have turned into a really bad day. Thank god for great people.

Boy brought home safely


Love the way he traces the smooth finish of the car as he wanders by - being a kid was such fun!

Looks like a happy kid, good on the driver for guiding him back. :slight_smile:

it was a bit stressful but now im glad it was captured on wyze

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Don’t need to tell you, but you owe that driver big big time.


A boy being a boy. Of course I keep forgetting it is not like the 1950’s anymore when I was young ,wild and would roam all over the place. :flushed: Get a leash :rofl:


And that could be just the first time he did it - that she knows of. His path does not look like he’s shy or cautious. More like this is a repeat.

My eldest sister was known for this in postwar Chicago. All my sisses were called tomboys at this age.

A River Runs Through It  captures an early 1900’s Montana version of that pretty well. :slight_smile:

Already contacted the driver and rewarded him …


The boy needs a dog as an escort :smile: Happy every thing worked out for the good.



You need to let the public know about this. Call your mayor or chief of police. Everyone needs a positive story. They should give him an award.


Glad it turned out well. As you said, could have turned out really bad…

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All drama aside, I love how the cam calls out the tree shadow before the free range human. Classic Wyze.

I was a very active sleep walker when I was a tot. One time they found me sleeping in the car in the driveway with my trusty companion by my side.

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Was it disturbing to you to wake up in strange places? Or more like, ‘It’s ok, Ma, what’s for breakfast?’ :grin:

A good dog buddy in any case. :dog:

Too little to remember. I’m sure nowhere near as disturbing as it was for everyone else.

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Really glad your son is safe, but I have to admit a few humorous thoughts went through my head as I imagined how it played out -

  1. Did the delivery driver just throw him onto the front stoop, snap a photo, and not bother ringing the doorbell?

  2. Did the delivery driver leave a sticky note on your door saying “signature required” and that he’d make another delivery attempt a few days later?

  3. Did your son have a “return to sender” sticker on his forehead?

Again, all meant good natured, glad everything turned out OK!

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Lol all good questions!

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Good news like this has been rare this week, good to read. Tx.

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