Beta Testing Application For Google Home

Others are reporting that non beta Google access is live. Maybe try again?

Looks like it’s officially up and it works well. Thanks for all the hard work everyone.
Wondering if the latency will be improved though, I’m currently experiencing 10-15 seconds on my Chromecast and Home Hub.

I already do that now Straight to my Samsung TV Without the need for any adapter
I had tiny cam pro set up on my TV also, until one day there was a update and it whacked out and All my cameras work gone from the app the only Cameras In their were public Cams , So I just deleted the app from my TV
So it seems like Is not any better than Alexa and Fire TV that I already have and works with wyze

I was told by Wyze that they are working to completely change how the stream is encoded to eliminate problem of lag, because the cameras are apparently decoding/encoding the stream on the fly locally. Problem is, it’s going to take months to get that done, possibly end of year. There may be some minor improvement, but near real time won’t be anytime soon.

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Still getting this error when trying to connect to the Wyze Home account on Google Home App. I’m using an IOS device.

Your client does not have permission to the requested URL /services/auth/handoffs/auth/complete?state=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&code=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJDcmVhdGlvblRpbWUiOjYzNjk0MjI0Njg2MDU4MjM4OCwiQ2xpZW50SWQiOiJhYjU2NTFkMS1kZTQwLTQ2ZmYtOGQ0MS0yYjdlY2UxY2NjODYiLCJFeHBpcmF0aW9uVGltZSI6NjM2OTQyMjU4ODYwNTgyMzk1LCJJc3N1ZXIiOiJXeXplIiwiVXNlckNlbnRlcklkIjoiMWJjNWRmZWIyODEzZDI2MTE1NWYyZmEyODk1ZDYwN2UiLCJVc2VybmFtZSI6ImphbWV6cG93ZWxsQGdtYWlsLmNvbSJ9.TKbzzRTZuU6BV0rPWmhtsl0cSfoyZNNcqOArzZbRaRs&return_url=chromecast://settings/handoff . That’s all we know.

My only other thought is to delete beta app and either reinstall beta, or reinstall nonbeta stock program, then try to connect. (I apologize if you said you already did this).

@Frederik, any ideas for this one?

And for everyone else, we’re still working on the transition over to launching the Google Assistant integration. That’s why we haven’t made a big announcement yet. :slight_smile:

The 10 min limit of streaming to Chromecast is really not good. Id like to view my outside cameras for longer than 10 min. Can that be extended please?

Unfortunately now. Not at this time. We are working on local connection and a different protocol that would allow us to remove the time limit but at this time, this is not possible.


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We experienced a couple of issues during the transition to fully supported service. Please try again now, it should work, if not please report back to we can look into it.

Thank you,

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Still unable to connect.

Just a quick question about your experience: are you able to get TinyCam Pro to on a smartwatch running AW v2? I have two, neither of which will do so. However, my old Gear Live (AW 1.5) works fine with it.

I wasn’t successful getting the beta app installed to support Chromecast and decided to wait until this feature becomes GA. I’ve had a few firmware upgrades recently (one today) and was hoping the feature would appear, but no noticable change. Is there an ETA for Chromecast support on the public app?

As far as I know, it’s already active!

Is there a trick to get the Chromecast icon to appear on the live video feed?

Nevermind, figured out by adding the devices to Google home and telling it to show the camera on the TV. Is there not an option for the Chromecast icon on the camera view itself?

I was trying to reply to you saying that and got sidetracked… Hopefully that option is in the works, but not right now.

I am still unable to add my Wyze account back to Google Home app. It fails after signing in. Can a dev please look at my earlier posts and see what is causing this issue?

Also, I see from subsequent posts there seems to be about a 15 lag between the live stream and what’s shown on the TV. Is there a plan to fix this?

jamezpowell, I recommend that you get in contact with customer support using this form: Submit a request – Wyze

@Nad3k, we have longterm plans that should help with the lag but we can’t make promises yet and it will take significant work. We wanted to get the first version out to everyone instead of making people wait even longer before they could use the Google Assistant integration.

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