Beta CamPlus/Wyze App issue

Hello Wyze Team!

I am running the Beta App and Beta Firmware.

I currently have 8 CamPlus V2 Cameras.

Very often one of them will seem to stop sending notifications to the cloud.

This is my most active camera as we are always going in and out of the house by this camera.

After I turn off and on CamPlus for this camera in a day or so it will start sending events to the cloud again.

Here’s the crazy part: I can then go back and view all my events that were not available before.

So, it’s recording the events but the app isn’t showing them.

This needs to be fixed…

I already submitted a log. Here it is: 40797



this is a good solution to know. I have a cam that has been acting kinda funny too in a very active spot.

one thing, what is your app version and camera firmware version?


App version:

Camera version:


I’m having similar issues. I think the problem is related to the cam firmware
Hoping there will be a fix soon

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