Android keeps getting logged out from the Wyze app. What are the possible reasons?

there’s nothing I know of on the Wyze end of things such as a security log out as you mentioned @Newshound

and I had heard of this being an issue for some ( a small minority) Iphone users at times, to which most of us thought it was an Iphone security thing ( because that would be an apple “logical” thing to do) but I don’t believe a cause was ever found and I don’t know apple well enough to even guess at their security structure on their devices.

I have a newer android and I have not once had to log back into the app. I also connect to quite a few other networks and have still not had this issue. ( when I’m on duty, we go to quite a few hospitals and other places that have quite secure but open networks for visitors)

for now about the only hope you might have is to open tickets/ send in logs.

@Thiswontworkugh what version of android is on that device?

(Update,) upon a quick search I did find this…

Loki posted a response here a while ago…maybe it could give some insight