Android app doesn't seem to work

I have downloaded the Android app to 4 different devices, and non will go past the logon page. I have created an account on the web site with a PC since the app won’t work. I can log in and out of the web site with my PC OK.

On one Android device, I get 2 input fields only: Phone number and password. I fill those in and nothing. Nothing happens, no “Go” or “Login” button, nothing.

1 other device I get email and password fields, and logon button. I can only type in the email field, even though the carrot is in the password field. Letters only appear in the email field.

The 2 other devices I can enter info in email and password fields, but the logon button does nothing. I press it and wait for a few minutes, nothing.

Hi @bobgib welcome to the community!!!

In order to get the best ansewres to your questions can you please provide the following?

  1. Device type/make/model
  2. Device OS and version
  3. App version

there is a possibility this could be affecting it, might just need to wait until they are done


devices have following specs:

Motorola Moto E
Android 4.4.4
Wyze app V1.19
Just shows input field for phone number

Motorola Moto G
Android 5.1
Wyze app V2.5.30
Login button does nothing on all devices, one device I can only input text on Email field

Can I switch over to the RTSP method without using a cell phone?

Welcome to the community, @bobgib. The app should work on your Moto G, but the OS on your Moto E is not supported. This article has the list of requirements to run the app. Please check it, and then let us know if you have any other questions.

Keep in mind that this forum is primarily a user to user community. If you don’t get a helpful reply here, please file a Support Request. You can also submit a request from within the Wyze app by going to Account > Help & Feedback > Report an Issue. The latter method will allow you to include an app log for diagnosis.

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Could this be a hardware acceleration issue? My S4 has 5.x and it partially works.

Yes, Viewing on a computer can be done using RTSP and VLC:

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