All 3 cameras died (offline)

(2) V2 and (1) V1 went off line all the sudden and won’t restart. Had just updated to latest app version, but haven’t updated to latest firmware. Went to check events on cameras and all three were off-line and will not restart and cannot upgrade firmware.
I get an “error code 90” on all 3 when trying to connect. Power in apartment and internet is working verified by HUE lights working. I’m away from apartment so no hands on available.

There hasn’t been any new Firmware for the V1 since January so should still be online unless something happened to the internet, WiFi or iPhone app ver 2.15.41

V2 Firmware was pushed out today, November 18, 2020.
Try a power reset when you return. May need to flash the camera firmware manually.


Definitely try flashing the firmware if possible.

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My fellow Mavens have some good recommendations for you as it relates to the camera side of your setup, my idea is to force close and restart the app. Even better, Restart phone and open app and see if it reconnects. I think the app update you said you just did may not have taken correctly, and needs a restart.


Rebooted the modem, all is fixed.


Just to give the dev team an update…
I flashed my pan can back to the previous version (199), and then flashed it back up to the 218 version (which originally bricked my pan cam).
Not sure why the “update firmware” option in the app failed the first time, but I am finally back up and running at the latest version

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The “update firmware” from the App fails sometimes and need to load from uSD card. Generally due to network congestion or a protocol error during firmware download.